Thursday, October 9, 2008

Southwest Regionals, Denver, Colorado

So it all comes down to this. I still remember the first point I played with this club team. It was weird running down the field and not seeing the familiar faces that was Irvine NightLife to my left and right. It was weird getting to know how each player played and what my role on the team was.

Five tournaments, later... I think we've come together as a team quite nicely. We're off to Colorado to fight for two spots at the UPA Club Nationals in Sarasota, Florida. We have a tough road ahead of us as we will be playing the top teams from Arizona and Colorado, not to mention very good teams from California as well. 

Whatever happens this weekend, playing with LA Metro has been full of memories. I've loved this team since day one and once the season is over, whether it be on Sunday, or at the end of the month, I am very grateful and lucky to have played for a team of this caliber. 

So wish us luck, we're off tonight. No more apologies... no more screw ups... 
This is what we've been practicing for. This is when it counts, and this is when it matters.

Get psyched Metro! 